Apologies for the sparse bloggage last week. Wasn't feeling quite up to snuff. And I'm still not, truth be told.
The minor cold from two weeks ago worked its way into last week's sinus infection — and it seems pretty intent on hanging around. Yar.
So I'm feeling pretty beat, and definitely don't have the energy to update the expenditures chart below. And it won't be getting updated any time soon. No bloggage tomorrow, then something new (and reasonably worthwhile, I think) on Wednesday — and then, a break until March 25. Why the break? It's a mystery! But all will be revealed on the 25th. So, in the immortal words of Simple Minds, "Don't yeewwww...forget about me. Hey, hey, hey, HEY! Oooooh-oooooh, oh, oh!"
Oh yeah. During last week's roundup of stupid live album utterances, I almost forgot about the most pretentious of all: "Am I buggin' ya? Don't mean ta bug ya!" That little gem is from U2, on "Rattle and Hum," the album that made me hate U2 (at least until they redeemed themselves with "Achtung Baby.) Oh, the music on R&H is fine — but Bono's ceaseless prattling about Nelson Mandela and Nicaragua and Manson and lord knows what else was pretty nauseating.
I always loved a write-up about "Rattle and Hum" that appeared in Rolling Stone, in which the reviewer stated "If he see one more U2 pursed lip or furrowed brow, I'm going to puke my guts out."
Oh, and how DARE the Post-Gazette do an article about Pittsburgh bloggers and not include the Blog O' Love? Grr. And I haven't been invited to join the "tight-knit group" of local bloggers, either. Well, poop on them.
Go ahead. Read the injustice for yourself.